#281 pa amb tomàquet

Special things don’t need to be complicated, a lesson delivered by the people of Catalonia to the world, where the beauty and richness of such a simple dish earns it the number one spot in their hearts.

#121 bread pudding

Necessity is the mother of invention, they say! This recipe brings your old stale bread alive in the sweetest, most delicious way possible!

#114 parker house rolls

These delicious dinner rolls are perfect for any occasion! Whether they’re a compliment piece in a banquet feast, or a lazy Sunday treat, they serve their purpose in many ways!

#35 cinnamon rolls

An adventure in sweet bread baking, this is no easy feat! But the results are well worth the trouble; a yummy sweet treat that’s great with coffee!

#24 drop biscuits

These small baked goods have a firm golden buttery crust & a soft, steaming interior that are great on their own or as a bread substitute in a delicious meal. So easy to make, be sure to try them out!