#245 roscón de reyes

Roscon de Reyes, or King’s Cake, is a traditional sweet pastry that holds a central place in the celebration of Día de Reyes (Three Kings’ Day) in Spain and various Latin American countries; a fun tradition to take part in with friends!

hello, twenty twenty-four

Another year, another chance to get it right. Don’t let the overwhelming list of expectations distract you from the very one thing you need to do first this 2024. Focus on the good so it gets better!

#282 kitchari

The simple yet nutrient-rich nature of kitchari makes it gentle on the digestive system, allowing it to be easily assimilated. Additionally, the spices and herbs often added to kitchari can further enhance its detoxifying and balancing properties. Incorporating kitchari into the Panchakarma process can help promote healing, restore equilibrium, and support overall well-being.

believing in barcelona

A getaway to remember! This quick visit to the captivating city of Barcelona was an absolute indulgence trip that will remain in the books for good! Here’s some insight on some of the city’s top spots!

#256 devils on horseback

The origin of the name “Devils on Horseback” is not entirely clear, but this dish has roots in British cuisine and has been enjoyed for decades as an appetizer or finger food at gatherings, parties, and festive occasions.

#181 blintzes

This delicious and comforting pastry is a Shavuot favorite, as Jews around the world come together to celebrate their shared heritage and spiritual journey.

el rey de matatlán

Matatlán is a town located in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, known for its rich history and tradition of producing mezcal, a distilled alcoholic beverage made from the agave plant. Mezcal production in Matatlán has a deep cultural significance, and many families have been involved in the craft for generations. Mezcal is produced through a…

#101 chicken salad

A meal so simple, households all around the world should have this recipe as the go-to solution for a quick weekday meal.

#97 salade niçoise

Composed salads make for a fine meal in the long summer days, and Salad Niçoise is a variety-packed loaded dish that is sure to satisfy!

#214 camembert rôti au four

A culinary masterpiece that transforms a special wheel of creamy Camembert into a warm gooey delight, perfect for sharing with friends!